EMBERS Hackathon is taking place at Junction, happening in Helsinki from today until the 27th November, with a great opportunity for all of those who dare to hack mobility! EMBERS goal is to stimulate the smart city ecosystem in Europe. While providing an IoT middleware with open APIs, we’re seeking for developers to reveal the sharp potential of the platform and integrate new data sets as well as to design innovative applications and solutions. So what is the EMBERS challenge at Junction? Integration of data is the key to success! The goal is to show how EMBERS could be used to connect the physical world with innovative services and applications that improve the mobility experiences of people in smart cities and, most of all, enhancing their quality of life. Participants will have access to data from different cities such as Valencia, Recife/Olinda, New York and others allowing them access to hundreds of sensor nodes, tools for sensor emulation real city data and historical data sets. The fun is starting now! What a productive and fantastic day at Junction. Hundreds of developers, engaging pitches, exciting networking opportunities and excellent activities happening all in a single event. Developers are now starting their work towards the development of innovative solutions. EMBERS teams are in action!

EMBERS Hackathon!
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