Don’t miss anything about EMBERS! Stay up-to-date with all the news about the project, the platform and the upcoming events!
Don’t miss anything about EMBERS! Stay up-to-date with all the news about the project, the platform and the upcoming events!
Joining hackathons, supporting SME´s and Startups in the use of open data and promoting new activities… This is a busy week for EMBERS! We have integrated the second edition of Hackacity, a hackathon happening simultaneously in several cities across the world. The technological marathon that promotes the development of applications to improve the life in the city was a big success thanks to all the great participants and the organization´s support. Apps to improve the city´s mobility system, to fight violence and to promote healthy ways of life were some of the results of this year’s edition. Ubiwhere team, leading EMBERS technical area, gave an active and essential support to all the participants allowing an efficient use of the data. According to Filipe Araújo, councillor for Innovation and Environment of the city of Porto, “Hackacity reinforces the role of the cities as living labs and the importance of collaboration between the several stakeholders to co-create opportunities for those who live or work in the city or the experience of the ones who visit it.” But EMBERS aims at going further in this approach, and it’s already preparing the next activities. During the Metropolitan solution, the team will be promoting the next Startups and SMES meeting, happening in Berlin at Fraunhofer Fokus, in July. These are the first steps towards the big Open Call happening in 2018. Keep tuned and follow EMBERS next activities.
EMBERS Hackathon is taking place at Junction, happening in Helsinki from today until the 27th November, with a great opportunity for all of those who dare to hack mobility! EMBERS goal is to stimulate the smart city ecosystem in Europe. While providing an IoT middleware with open APIs, we’re seeking for developers to reveal the sharp potential of the platform and integrate new data sets as well as to design innovative applications and solutions. So what is the EMBERS challenge at Junction? Integration of data is the key to success! The goal is to show how EMBERS could be used to connect the physical world with innovative services and applications that improve the mobility experiences of people in smart cities and, most of all, enhancing their quality of life. Participants will have access to data from different cities such as Valencia, Recife/Olinda, New York and others allowing them access to hundreds of sensor nodes, tools for sensor emulation real city data and historical data sets. The fun is starting now! What a productive and fantastic day at Junction. Hundreds of developers, engaging pitches, exciting networking opportunities and excellent activities happening all in a single event. Developers are now starting their work towards the development of innovative solutions. EMBERS teams are in action!
EMBERS will be part of the next Junction, happening in Helsinki on the last weekend of November, and brings an awesome challenge to all the participants. Get ready to be “EMBERED”! What is Junction? It’s the place where no idea is too crazy and thinking outside the box is encouraged. It is nothing less than a converging point for over thousand of developers, designers and entrepreneurs from all around the world. That’s why EMBERS couldn’t miss this huge hackathon experience happening on 25-27th November in Helsinki, Finland! We will be surrounded by the latest hardware, APIs and, of course, the most genius minds. We want to take advantage of it, making them think about how to, in fact, improve Mobility for the Future. That will be the EMBERS Challenge in Junction 2016! Do you think that you have all that it takes (and really want to win some cool gadgets)? Then you should get ready to show us how you would use EMBERS infrastructure to improve mobility experiences of people in smart cities – and consequently their quality of life – by connecting it to the physical world with innovative services and applications. Continue reading “JUNCTION 2016: Let’s play hackers to improve Mobility!”
Have you heard about Beyond2020? It is a three-day international event with a mission focused on gathering companies, startups, decision makers and city representatives to present and discuss innovative solutions for Smart Cities, using “the concepts of the Future”. In order to prepare the discussion, which happens only in the last day, there are two days of connection and knowledge exchange with several panels and workshops centred on the future of the Cities, Politics, Citizens, Local Development and Tourism, based on the use of Open data Platforms. Therefore, FIWARE has to be discussed. As so, no one better than Rui Costa, CEO of Ubiwhere, to be the leader of a workshop on the subject, happening on the second day. After all, Ubiwhere, a member of the EMBERS consortium, is one of the partners of this event. Being a part of something like Beyond2020 is not only an excellent opportunity to get in touch with different realities but also the acknowledgement of the company’s will to grow overseas, nurturing its creativity from Aveiro to the world. This year is Beyond’s 2nd edition, and it happens in Olinda, Brazil, from 27th to 29th July. Know more at
Involving SMEs and Developers was the big goal of last week´s plenary session in Berlin. During two days, on the 5th and 6th July, EMBERS team organised debates and networking activities to present and discuss the product and its evolution. And this first contact was a success! With an impressive and committed group around the table, at Fraunhofer FOKUS, the SMEs were very pleased to be involved in an early stage of the project, enabling a dynamic and more productive engagement. The general feedback was very positive, and this new community is eager to contribute with their opinions and feedback, but most of all to share their needs and participate actively in the development of new apps. The APIs turn out to be the most significant need expressed so far, to start testing the data. “For us, it was a great chance to meet with this community of interest during our meeting and participate in this knowledge exchange, which clearly consolidates our vision and enriches it! Not only is it great to involve people in our goals, but it is crucial to have our product continually tested to achieve better results!”, said Ricardo Vitorino from Ubiwhere. Students and citizens were also invited to provide the team with their needs and ideas in Berlin. With the purpose of empowering EMBERS impact and respond to the wishes expressed by the involved stakeholders, the consortium is already working on the collection of new data, by integrating more cities into their community enabling a broader impact of the developed applications. Municipalities are now the next big stakeholders to involve. There are already several activities foreseen for the next months. Our great team is committed to disseminating and engage cities all around the world, starting with Brazil where we will be meeting new stakeholders at the end of the Month, during Beyond2020 event and Hackacity Roadshow.
EMBERS, a Smart Cities project, has officially launched on the 18th December 2015. Our new website shows how one innovative solution can support the transition towards an efficient and sustainable mobility ecosystem to improve the quality of life in cities. Ubiwhere, at the core of this consortium, brings together Business and Industry partners to implement and demonstrate an integrated and open solution based on the construction of a Mobility platform. Receiving inputs from different devices deployed at the city scale, enabling to keep track of vehicles, the state of traffic, available parking spaces and air quality, EMBERS is contributing to smarter ways of life. Our solution incorporates these datasets in an exciting and new product perspective, promoting data-driven decision making, allowing communication with citizens and empowering SMEs to reach innovative solutions and new markets. Partners from all across Europe will work with real-life case scenarios making the results available for cities all around the world. By bringing Citibrain, a Mobility Backend as a Service to market, and contributing to the FIRE+ initiative, EMBERS aims at motivating a robust and dynamic usage of the Smart City Mobility Ecosystem in Europe. The opportunity presents itself for a more sustainable mobility, leading to the Future!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sed consectetur lacus, a dignissim dui. Cras imperdiet mauris magna, ac suscipit tellus hendrerit sed. Pellentesque blandit metus sem, quis vehicula.
Mauris eu condimentum elit. Vivamus quis nisl semper, imperdiet metus vel, mollis dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent mattis in tellus at venenatis. Vestibulum quis libero maximus tortor rhoncus rhoncus ac at leo. In faucibus est non bibendum tincidunt. Nulla eros enim, venenatis nec mauris scelerisque, tempor fringilla lacus. Donec nec facilisis quam. Phasellus eu commodo orci. Proin porttitor mauris sem, a aliquam nisl lacinia quis. Ut eleifend, nulla at egestas vestibulum, est erat dignissim nunc, et iaculis orci urna id turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam tempor non ipsum et laoreet. Duis dui nibh, pellentesque consequat egestas ut, dignissim ut quam. Mauris eu condimentum elit. Vivamus quis nisl semper, imperdiet metus vel, mollis dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent mattis in tellus at venenatis. Vestibulum quis libero maximus tortor rhoncus rhoncus ac at leo. In faucibus est non bibendum tincidunt. Nulla eros enim, venenatis nec mauris scelerisque, tempor fringilla lacus. Donec nec facilisis quam. Phasellus eu commodo orci. Proin porttitor mauris sem, a aliquam nisl lacinia quis. Ut eleifend, nulla at egestas vestibulum, est erat dignissim nunc, et iaculis orci urna id turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam tempor non ipsum et laoreet. Duis dui nibh, pellentesque consequat egestas ut, dignissim ut quam.
Fusce neque felis, dictum ut porta sed, suscipit quis enim. Nulla et tincidunt quam. Etiam at sem nulla. Suspendisse euismod, nulla sit amet lobortis tincidunt, lorem turpis hendrerit nibh, in aliquet est neque ac felis. Morbi varius pharetra urna. Suspendisse interdum lacinia urna, eu pulvinar quam ultricies et. Suspendisse eu laoreet dui, vulputate venenatis nulla. Ut in nibh vel leo auctor cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus porta posuere nisi, eu sollicitudin lacus dignissim non. Nunc tempor mauris augue, sit amet scelerisque nunc tincidunt volutpat. Fusce a blandit nunc, eu vehicula mi. Sed sed facilisis ipsum. Mauris sagittis, sem in venenatis mattis, urna risus porttitor nulla, vitae pellentesque metus lectus eget orci. Fusce tristique arcu mi, eget vestibulum arcu tincidunt non. BREAK Continue reading “Factors In Selecting A Mobile Prototyping Tool”